
A face only a mother could love

Daisy & Toy

Daisy protecting her toy

Lovely Lilacs

They smell even better than they look. Gotta love Spring time

Lilac blooms

Wonderful Lilac Blooms

Truck is in Surgery

Ben has the truck up on four jack stands with the newly rebuilt (By Billy) transmission sitting on a jack, ready to be installed.

Transmission Front #2

Transmission Front #1

Transmission Front #1

Transmission Left #2

Transmission Left #2

Transmission Left #1

Transmission Left #1

Peach Blossoms

I could hardly believe it when I first saw flower buds on these two peach trees. I thought they had been destroyed by rabbits eating the bark off the trunk a couple of winters ago. Last year I would ram them with the lawn mower and actually mowed down the suckers on a third tree. I was told, and believed, that the suckers wouldn’t be fruit producers, but the blossoms are saying this might not be so.

I should find out the results of this in the next few months, so stay tuned to this station for further updates.

First Buds on Peach Tree

First Buds on Peach Tree

Peach Tree Blossoms

Peach Tree Blossoms

Peach Tree Blossoms

Peach Tree Blossoms

My Truck is sick

My 1987 Ford F-250 is now in Ben’s Garage so he can drop the transmission, then, hopefully, Billy will be able to rebuild it. Right now, though, I have to find a cutting torch set for Ben. Ford F250 9-9-2004

Trying some wacky font

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Get it here:

Just another January day

Christmas Cactus Blooms on Christmas Day


Christmas Trouble